Global Agent Marketplace

The  new way  to recruit international students via agents

Capture a larger share of international student supply.

Feezy’s real-time, digital deal-making helps you secure early commitments, maximise enrolments, and take full control of your student pipeline—all while enhancing your existing agent relationships.

Ready to reduce your time spent on recruiting?

Why use Feezy?

 Unlock your growth  with responsive, digital terms

Traditional fixed agreement terms and passive agent supply are limiting your ability to diversify, grow, and secure student enrolments. As competition intensifies, relying on outdated methods leads to missed targets, low conversion rates, and half-filled classrooms.

Inspired by the success of platforms like Uber, Amazon, and Airbnb, Feezy ‘flips’ this process by creating a global marketplace that enables you to:


Maximise agent relationships

Transform partnerships into growth opportunities with real-time deal-making


Secure student supply before competitors

Lock in early commitments from top agents, ensuring your programs are prioritised



Diversify source markets & classrooms

Expand your reach with targeted, data-driven strategies


Take control of your student pipeline

Drive the applications you need from your target markets

How Feezy works

 Transform  your fixed term agreements into growth.

Fixed-term agreements with agents limit flexibility and growth, making it difficult for education providers to respond to changing market conditions and maximise their recruitment efforts.

Feezy enhances your existing contracts by enabling you to negotiate variable commission deals for each of your programs. Whether you focus on your existing agents or tap into Feezy’s broad network of global agents, Feezy allows you to secure early commitments from those agents who are truly dedicated to supplying students for your programs

By transforming agent goodwill into specific, actionable commitments, Feezy turns your fixed-term agreements into dynamic growth opportunities.

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 Maximise growth  from your agent relationships

For many education providers, 80% of agents contribute only 20% of student enrolments, leading to poor ROI, half-filled programs, and low conversion rates.

Turn goodwill into specific commitments

Convert existing relationships into specific commitments to supply students for targeted programs, ensuring higher conversion rates and fully enrolled programs.

Market test commission

Negotiate commission rates that reflect real-time supply and demand, ensuring your investments drive growth without overpaying.

Data-driven insights

Utilise Feezy’s analytics to track program load and agent performance, helping you optimise agent support and make more effective recruitment decisions.

Ready to maximise your agent relationships and drive growth?

Get more from the  80% of your agents  who supply only 20% of your students

 Secure  student supply before your competitors

When all providers go to market simultaneously, competition is fierce. Feezy gives you the edge:

Secure greater commitments

Strengthen relationships and secure early commitments from agents, ensuring your institution is their top priority.

Maximise recruitment ROI 

Focus resources—marketing, staffing, scholarships, and events—on agents who are fully committed to your programs, optimising your ROI.

Increase conversion rates

Early agent commitments position your institution as a preferred partner, leading to increased loyalty and higher student conversion rates.

Ready to secure early commitments and stay ahead of the competition?

The  easy way  to reduce your recruitment costs

 Diversify  source markets and classrooms

Traditional fixed agreement terms limit your ability to diversify effectively. Feezy offers a smarter approach:

Identify committed agents

Quickly determine which of your existing agents can commit to fulfilling your diversity goals, ensuring more effective partnerships.

Market test commission rates

Transparently market test commission rates and bonuses to avoid overpaying and secure commitments that align with your diversity objectives.

Cost-effective market expansion

Discover and connect with committed agents in new markets without the need for costly travel or speculative investments.

Ready to diversify more efficiently?

The  easy way  to recruit from a new market

 Take control  of your student pipeline

Drive the applications you need from your target markets.

Targeted recruitment control

Direct your recruitment efforts by selecting which agents and markets can access your program listings.

Capture early commitments

Secure agent commitments to recruit qualified students for specific programs before sales cycles begin, boosting your conversion rates.

Data-driven transparency

Access detailed reporting on commission rates, bonuses, and agent performance to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Ready to take control of your recruitment strategy?

The  easy way  to fill each program

 Everyone's day  just got easier

Recruiting students through a vast network of agents is complex, time-consuming, and often lacks the desired results. Much of your time is spent managing agents who ultimately bring in very few students.

Feezy streamlines the entire process, with just a few clicks, you can list individual programs and review all your agent offers in one centralised platform, making it easy to identify the agents who are truly committed to delivering the students you need.

Simplify your recruitment process, focus on what works, and see a real impact on your student intake. 


About Us

For 15 years our Founder led global recruitment for universities in the UK and Australia, incl. Russell Group and Group of Eight institutions. 

Feezy was founded on the belief that traditional fixed-term agreements between education providers and agents lead to poor outcomes for both parties.

Inspired by successful global marketplaces like Uber, Amazon, and Airbnb, Feezy revolutionises the education market with responsive, real-time deal-making, improving outcomes for both education providers and agents.

Email John


Still curious?

Is Feezy an agent?

No. We don't take commission, don't process applications, and don't engage or counsel prospective students. We're a layer between providers and agents that seamlessly facilitates more efficient commission terms.

How does my institution implement Feezy?

Total set-up time is around 35-40 minutes. This includes profile creation, linking to your chosen agent partners, and creating your first listings.

We're cloud-based, so there's zero on-premise set up required.

Does Feezy take commission?

No we take no share of commission.

What about compliance?

Our platform's built to be fully compliant with Australia's stringent standards (ESOS). We only change the way commission terms are agreed, and this has powerful flow-on benefits for institutions (and agents). We have zero influence on entry requirements or visa compliance, and all due diligence remains with providers.

Is it ethically right to agree commissions this way?

Feezy offers a fairer process than today's commission agreement approach which often leaves a majority of a provider's agents locked into lower commission amounts, whilst the dominant $Billion agencies earn higher commissions thanks to their greater bargaining power. It's this that leads to increased acquisition costs for providers and contributes to high levels of sub-agenting.

How do prospective students benefit?

In two main ways:

1. The quality of counselling and advice can improve, since agents will invest more time in understanding programs they have actively agreed to recruit to via Feezy (versus hundreds of programs at each of their hundreds of partners today). This can be via academic-led program briefings to the very small group of agents with which you've agreed terms, instead of 100 agents' counsellors signing up to a training webinar and half not showing up.

2. Tuition fee rises become less likely or less frequent if the cost of sourcing students holds or drops. Feezy alleviates margin stress and lets institutions retain more of the tuition fee. The alternative is 4%-5% annual rises which will price millions more prospects out of overseas study.

Does the way we pay agent commission change?

No it stays the same. All that changes are the specific commission amounts for any places agreed via Feezy. Payment schedules (i.e. post-census), payment methods, etc. all stay the same.

What about our traditional agent agreements?

We're here to augment your international recruitment, and Feezy's been built to work alongside existing agent agreements rather than replace these.

Any places agreed via Feezy with an existing partner agent of your institution are agreed at the varied terms. These are specific to the place(s). E.g. x-number of places, for y-program, for z-intake (month/year).

We give you a targeted and proactive way to source students whilst your standard agent operations continue alongside.

Can we deploy Feezy in very specific use-cases?

Yes, that's what it's built to do.

Have a new program or a satellite campus opening next year and want to boost enrolments? Or need to boost applications to a niche Faculty or a struggling study area? Feezy helps both.

Or maybe a Faculty's intake is homogeneous to the point of risk/issue? We're a great way to source from desired regions or markets.

I'm still unclear....

Not uncommon, since what we offer is total unique & new. The easiest way to understand what we do is to book a demo.

 Nobody else  offers what we do

Optimise your agents' performance for a fraction of your annual commission spend


We'll send an occasional email telling you how our unique platform is developing.

We won't spam you, ever.