Global Agent Marketplace

 Grow  &  diversify  your international student recruitment  faster 

Move your international recruitment into the 21st century.

Feezy ‘flips’ the traditional commission agreement process to enable education providers and agents to secure early commitment to supply specific programs from target markets at negotiated commission rates.

Discover the easier way to grow faster.


Why use Feezy?

 Unlock  your fixed agreement terms to grow faster

Traditional fixed agreement terms are outdated and unresponsive to changing market conditions, making it difficult for providers and agents to adapt.

This outdated approach forces you to manage hundreds of partnerships, even though only a few deliver students, limiting your ability to diversify, grow, and secure enrolments.

As market conditions shift and competition intensifies, relying on rigid fixed terms results in missed targets, low conversion rates, and half-filled classrooms.

Inspired by platforms like Uber, Amazon, and Airbnb, Feezy revolutionises this process by creating a global marketplace that enables you to:

Providers 2
Agents 2

 Feezy is a marketplace  where providers transact with chosen agents to secure commitment to fill program places 

Feezy is not a master agent or aggregator and doesn't share in commission

How Feezy works

 It all starts  with a program listing

Education providers start with a detailed program listing that builds on your existing agent contracts. Clearly define the students you’re looking for—covering everything from program details and timing to source markets, citizenship, and commission rates. 

Meanwhile, agents can do the same, posting listings that highlight the students they have ready to go. They’ll specify their program preferences, timing, destination markets, and desired commission rates.

Then comes the magic: both education providers and agents can review, negotiate, and seal the deal with new or existing partners, keeping full control over every decision.

With Feezy, you’re not just managing relationships—you’re mastering them. Take charge, boost your growth and forge stronger, more strategic partnerships—all in just a few clicks.

Transform d

 Stop signing new agents  hoping  they will supply the students you need.

Get ahead of your competition with early commitment from agents to drive predictable growth

Education Providers

 Outdated methods  are holding you back - It's time for a change

Let’s face it: the traditional approach to student recruitment is stuck in the past. Hundreds of emails, piles of paperwork, and waiting for responses that may never come. It’s a slow, cumbersome process that drains your time and energy.

But here's the truth:

Limited Reach: Traditional methods restrict your access to a global pool of agents and qualified students. You’re missing out on incredible opportunities because you’re only fishing in the same small pond.

Inefficiency Rules: Negotiating contracts, managing relationships, and keeping track of endless details manually. That’s a recipe for burnout. It’s time to streamline, automate, and move forward.

Missed Connections: While you’re buried in paperwork, your competitors are snapping up the best students with smarter, faster approaches. Don’t let outdated practices keep you from forming the strategic partnerships that drive real growth.

Enter Feezy - Your gateway to a new era of recruitment


 Break free  from the status quo - It's time to earn what you deserve

Let’s be honest: the traditional commission model is holding you back. As an education agent, you’re working tirelessly to match the right students with the right programs, but the flat commission rate just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Here's what you're up against:

Stagnant Earnings: No matter how hard you work or how perfect the match is, the flat commission rate doesn’t reflect the true value of your efforts. You’re left with earnings that don’t match the market reality or the quality of students you’re bringing to the table.

Limited Opportunities: Signing new contracts with education providers is an uphill battle. The old-school approach creates barriers, making it difficult to secure deals that truly benefit both parties.

Market Misalignment: The one-size-fits-all commission rate ignores the dynamic nature of student recruitment. You need a system that flexes with supply and demand, rewarding you for your expertise and the high-quality students you deliver.

Feezy – Where Agents and Providers Thrive Together


And pre-secure load offered by agents

See what courses & programs agents - today - are offering to recruit to, and lock in deals with them.

Choose the commission price, student origins, and agents with which you wish to agree terms.

 Nobody else  offers what we do

Optimise your agents' performance for a fraction of your annual commission spend

About Us

For 15 years our Founder led global recruitment for universities in the UK and Australia, incl. Russell Group and Group of Eight institutions. 

Feezy was founded on the belief that traditional fixed-term agreements between education providers and agents lead to poor outcomes for both parties.

Inspired by successful global marketplaces like Uber, Amazon, and Airbnb, Feezy revolutionises the education market with responsive, real-time deal-making, improving outcomes for both education providers and agents.




Stay updated on how we're transforming the way agent commission is agreed